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RaidenMAILD POP3/SMTP e-mail server features


EASY for everyone

Ok you don't need to read any book in order to have a running RaidenMAILD

50 user accounts / Unlimited accounts (50 accounts for personal, professional ; unlimited accounts for commercial)

The cheapest account fee in the world.

Smart SMTP Relay

Access your e-mail server from everywhere with automatic security !

Server Relay (for incoming mails) / SMTP routing table (for outgoing mails)

Server relay doesn't only provide you relay mails directly to IP:PORT for specific domain, but you also can scan incoming mails via this function with "Norton Antivirus for Gateways". (Tutorial page: serverrelay.html )

SMTP routing table lets you define which routing for specific domain. You even can send specific domain mail via other authorized smtp server account.

IP Addresses restriction

Define the allowed/denied IP ranges for a serious e-mail server !

Subject title/conent/attachment filtering with normal comparison / advanced fuzzy comparison

Say good bye to spam mails and junk mails !

Disk Quota Restriction

So your users won't use your e-mail server as a personal storage !

Unlimited domains to single IP

Wow you can run more than one domain on one machine now !

Starts with NT Service via ServiceAgent - Service Installer / Health monitor

Runs 24 hours a day , 7 days a week! 365 days a year! No admin stays beside needed.

Automatic e-mail re-sending mechanism

No more missing mails !

SMTP /POP3 restriction options

You can set the max mail size , bandwidth usage for every sending/receiving thread and much more !

Logging to screen and disk file and analyser provided

Monitoring user activities in the real time !

Web-based Remote Control system

Managing your e-mail server by web browser from anywhere !

Multilingual Web Mail system

Just like having your own H*TMAIL system ! accessing e-mails without an e-mail client

Web Mail customization

You can change the look and feel of your web-mail system

Dynamic IP reassignment

Yes it works with dynamic IP server

Automatic mail footer for mail messages

You can add your own advertisement here

Mailing list

Mail to a lot of people at once , effeciently

E-mail forwarding

Allowing you to foward to other e-mail account automatically

Automatic mail replying

It's useful when you can't process your e-mail for days or weeks

Backup all incoming/outgoing mails for monitoring purpose in corporation

Wow we don't say it's good but as a system administrator you sometimes need this

Event Processor

You can write an external script to do some tasks while a mail is received

Memory optimization

Automatically optimize your memory since Micros*oft doesn't do it well sometimes

Mass mail sending

Server supports dividing recepients list to multiple parts and send them simutaneounsly. This will improved your perfornamce very much while user sending mass mails.


SMTP Auth lets users to get smtp-send permission via POP3 account & password when he wants to send mail.

Online registration

Provide web form for users to apply his account, you can choose disabled, confirmed, automatic apply method.

Database supported

Just few clicks to transform your user data between file and various databases.

Password reset mail mechanism

When user forgets his password, you don't need to change password for him. User can request password reset mail by himself to answer his predifined personal question and change the password.

SMTP TLS/POP3 SSL/WebMail SSL (Professional, Commercial only)

RaidenMAILD provides you SMTP TLS 1.0 / POP3 SSLv2/ WebMail SSLv2 abilities to encrypt data connections while users sending / receiving mails.

MultiPOP for external mailboxes (1 slot for personal ; 10 slots for, professional, commercial)

User can setup his external mailboxs to receive the mails into his own mailbox.

ICQ Center to provide awesome contact service (professional, commercial only)

User can read/delete mail via ICQ, get new mail notification via ICQ, read daily news/jokes/announcement...etc. via ICQ, chat with server admin via ICQ and ICQ SMS sending.

Active Directory integrated (professional, commercial only)

You can import your existing AD user accounts into maild in few clicks.

Anti-spam mechanisms ((2)-(6) is for perfessional, commercial only.)

There are 6 anti-spam mechanisms.
(1) ORDB Checking
(2) SORBS Checking
(3) MAPS RBL Checking
(4) Reverse Checking
(5) PTR Checking
(6) Interactive Sender Verification (ISV)

RaidenMaild Http Interface (for integration, such as WebMail ISAPI package)

A http interface for outside programs to call to do manage user data /server actions.








Copyright (C) TEAM JohnLong , RaidenMAILD team , 2000-2004 all rights reserved. The copyrighted works contained in this information service shall not be copied, reproduced, varied, altered, modified, adapted, distributed, performed and displayed in any form without the written permission of the copyright owner. All trademarks belong to their respective owners .

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